Thermage FLX Treatment Adelaide

Thermage FLX RF skin tightening is a non-invasive treatment that tightens, firms and contours the skin.

Using radiofrequency (RF) energy, Thermage FLX stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin to rejuvenate your appearance. At BalaBala Laser Clinic, we have extensive experience with the Thermage FLX RF skin tightening treatment, having performed over two thousand Thermage treatments for our clients.

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Benefits & Results

Thermage FLX Adelaide
TreatmentsSkin Lifting & TighteningThermage FLX Adelaide

How does Thermage FLX work?

Collagen plays a crucial role in enhancing skin health and slowing down skin ageing. As we age, the collagen that keeps our skin firm begins to break down - resulting in more fine lines, wrinkles and a loss of skin firmness.

A Thermage FLX treatment uses non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat the deeper, collagen-rich layers of the skin. The applied heat causes collagen to contract and encourages new collagen to start growing. This helps create smoother skin after just one treatment, with results that continue to improve as new collagen is formed.

BalaBala Laser Clinc - Thermage FLX before and after skin tightening

Skin tightening that improves over time

Thermage FLX tightens and firms the skin by stimulating collagen production. Immediately after your treatment, you will notice an increase in skin tightening and firming, with results improving over time. In fact, Thermage FLX stimulates new collagen production for 3 to 6 months after your treatment. This is when the skin tightening results will be most evident. 

Half way through your Thermage FLX treatment, you will be able to compare for yourself the improvement in skin tightening, by pressing your tongue against the inside of your mouth. The side of the face that has been treated will immediately feel tighter and firmer, compared to the side that has yet to be treated.

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BalaBala Laser Clinc - Thermage FLX Before and After Photo

Thermage Eye

At BalaBala Laser Clinic, we offer a specialised Thermage treatment for the eye area. This is a complete eye rejuvenation treatment that tightens skin around the eye area to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Thermage FLX Eye treatment is particularly effective at treating the signs of ageing that make us look aged and worn-down, including hooding, crow's feet and brow lines. A specialised eye applicator is used to treat the under eye, eyelid, and below the brow. The result is a refreshed and rejuvenated eye area for a more awakened look.
To maintain and enhance these skin tightening results, we recommend pairing Thermage FLX Eye with Fotona Smooth Eye laser treatment.
Learn more: Fotona Smooth Eye
BalaBala Laser Clinc - Thermage FLX EYE grid application

Why choose BalaBala for your Thermage FLX treatment?

Our Experience

We have performed over 1,800 Thermage FLX treatments since we introduced this treatment into our clinic. During your initial consultation, our experienced staff will first do a thorough assessment of your facial features and areas of concerns. This is to determine if Thermage FLX RF skin tightening is the best option for your personal needs, or whether other anti-ageing treatments options such as Ultherapy or ULTRAcel Q+ may be better suited. This first step is crucial in order to put you on the right path to get the best treatment outcomes.

BalaBala’s Special Thermage Technique

In order to maximise the results from your Thermage FLX RF skin tightening treatment, we have developed a unique treatment technique that is exclusive to BalaBala Laser Clinic. This technique helps to ensure that the radiofrequency energy is targeted to the areas that are needed most, helping to improve treatment outcomes.

Why Choose Thermage FLX?

  • A single treatment with real results
  • Immediate skin tightening improvements
  • Results that improve over time
  • Stimulates collagen to prevent ageing
  • Completely non-invasive treatment
  • Little to no downtime

Thermage FLX - Before and After

Common Questions

What is Thermage?


Thermage is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is the foundation of our skin and what keeps our skin firm, plump and supple. The best part about Thermage is that results will improve over time as new collagen is formed.

How many Thermage FLX treatments will I need?


One of the many advantages of Thermage FLX is that it delivers skin tightening results after just one treatment. Other RF skin tightening treatments require multiple sessions (sometimes as many as 12 sessions) to achieve similar results.

Is there any downtime?


There is no downtime with Thermage FLX RF skin tightening. You may experience some redness after the treatment but this usually goes away within 24 hours.

How long will the results of Thermage last?


After your Thermage FLX treatment, you will notice an immediate improvement in skin tightening and firmness. Full results are usually seen 3-6 months after treatment, as new collagen production is stimulated for months after the treatment. Thermage FLX RF skin tightening can last up to 2 years, depending on factors such as your age, degree of skin laxity, skin condition and skin maintenance.

Does Thermage have side effects?


Some patients have temporary redness or minor swelling after treatment, but this usually goes away within 24 hours. Our staff will guide you on how to take care of your skin after your Thermage FLX treatment.

Is Thermage FLX painful?


To minimise any discomfort, we will apply numbing cream before your Thermage FLX RF skin tightening treatment. The Thermage FLX 5th Generation system incorporates vibration, which has been shown to help aid in patient comfort. You will feel a brief heating sensation when the treatment device’s tip touches your skin. This is followed by a cooling sensation to help protect your skin and minimise any discomfort.

Does Thermage FLX cause fat loss?


Thermage FLX does not cause fat loss! Thermage FLX is a skin tightening treatment that delivers radiofrequency energy into the dermal layers to constrict tissue and boost collagen levels. Thermage does not work past the dermal structure to affect the subcutaneous fat underneath the dermis.

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